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I was suffering from severe neck pain from last 4 years. But I haven't find any suitable treatment that cures the problem effectively and permanently. One of my friend referred this old non-profit hospital with all modern facilities, well experienced doctors and excellent staff. Now all of my health problems are solved & leading happy life. I am thankful to team of doctors & staff.

Naturopathy is a natural healing technique using the healing powers of nature. Naturopathy believes “All healing powers are with in our body”. Hence NATUROPATHY is a complementary and alternative treatment of medicine, which emphasizes the body's intrinsic ability to heal and maintain itself. Human body possesses inherent re-constructive and self-therapeutic powers. Naturopaths use natural elements and natural remedies to help the body heal itself.

Yoga is the physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline which was originated in ancient India with a view to attain a state of permanent peace, for increasing flexibility and balance. Yoga is a form of exericise that uses slow movements and stretching. It is also good for relieving stress and to get relaxed. Yoga has been used as a meditation technique for thousands of years. Thus YOGA is the science and art of healthy living – physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. It aims at the development of perfect balance between the body and the mind.

Health is not merely the absence of diseases but well being in physical, mental, emotional, social & spiritual level of the individual. The concept of Naturopathy & Yoga is to treat the body, mind and spirit as awhole and not an individual part. It is a system of healing by stimulating the body's inherent healing power to restore normal health through the help of Pancha Mahabhootas - viz., Akash, Vayu, Agni, Water and Earth.

The system believes that all diseases develop as a result of negative life style which result into accumulation of waste in the body and removal of it through non-invasive treatments is the cure. Naturopathy works better in association with other alternative methods of healing such as Electro, Physio and Magneto therapy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, etc.,

Diet plays a very vital role in the treatment of diseases. The diet provided here balances the alkalinity of blood, thereby enhancing the healing process. Yoga Therapy is an integral part of the treatment, which comprises of Kriyas, Asana, Pranayama and Relaxation, which bring about overall benefit to body and mind. Thus combinations of sewillene atmosphere, Naturopathy, Yoga and Diet therapy bring improvement of health, well being in physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual level of the individual.


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© Shri JGCH Naturopathy Centre, Ghataprabha, Belgaum District, Karnataka, India